DEI Leadership


LPS Has Joined Legal Alliance for Reproductive Rights (LARR)

LPS Has Joined Legal Alliance for Reproductive Rights (LARR)

California Legislative Information

In association with the Bar Association of San Francisco (“BASF”) and San Francisco’s City Attorney, David Chiu,  Leland, Parachini, Steinberg, Matzger & Melnick, LLP (“LPS”) has joined the LEGAL ALLIANCE FOR REPRODUCTIVE RIGHTS (“LARR”), a volunteer effort by law firms providing free legal services to those who have or will be affected by the overturning of the U.S. Supreme Court’s landmark Roe v. Wade decision.

Following Governor Newsom’s signing of AB-1666, LPS participated in the July 15, 2022 LARR SUMMIT to discuss further steps in this fight to protect every individual’s fundamental right to privacy with respect to personal reproductive decisions. If interested in receiving the materials generated for and during this historic Summit, please contact LPS Diversity Committee Co-Chairs Javier Bastidas and Katelyn Wheeler.

In addition, LPS Partner and Diversity Committee member, Lara DeCaro, participated in the First Convening of Lawyers in Defense of Reproductive Rights and Justice that was hosted by the White House and held on Friday July 29, 2022.

Great work by LPS in time for its celebration of “Women’s Rising Month” [August 2022].